Conveyor Lifeline Directional Cone Pigtail
Conveyor Lifeline Directional Cone Pigtail
This cutting-edge new design of the directional cone pigtail mitigates risk from incorrect install of the directional cones on the signal line, thus preventing the occurrence of potential operating of the signal line and the directional cone being caught in the pigtail. Then being unable to operate pull wire switch.
Provides Correct amounts of pigtails and signs to suit the mining application at the mine to minimise waste. Example 30m centred pillars require 15 pigtails and 10 signs that we can tailor in a bucket for your 110m gateroad pillars. Also, it Alleviates the need to run lifeline which in turn reduces the risk of lifeline being disconnected, tangled or installed incorrectly. Also mitigates the need for labour, machinery and time to install.
Each unit is supplied fitted with nuts, spring washers and large flat washers to assist installation to belt structure and emergency stop sign if fitted. All threaded rods, nuts and washers are either stainless steel or galvanised for longer life.
- Comes with 2 larger washers
- Can be made in different colours to suit individual mine lifeline requirements
- FRAS Compliant
- UV Stablised
- Storage Bucket
Technical Specifications
- Thread length 150mm but can be made to any length to suit individual mine belt structure
- Constructed from polyurethane